Monday, March 23, 2020

Beowulf Cycles free essay sample

BEOWULF To many, life seems to be one straight, narrow path but in Beowulf the notion of â€Å"rings† appears to be overwhelming. These rings can represent such diverse things like the course of existence, a hero’s glory, and vengeance. Through literal and figurative examples, rings in the poem represent reacquiring sequences and endless cycles. The idea of rings in Beowulf eludes the common thought of a â€Å"circle of life†. There are several situations within the poem where things return in a way in which they came. Beowulf opens with the story of the great Spear-Dane, Shield Sheafson. The poem reveals that he was abandoned as a child and found floating in the ocean. After his death, Shield’s people honor him with a lavish funeral and â€Å"decked his body no less bountifully with offerings than those first ones who cast him away when he was a child†(43-45). In this way, Shield (who has come from the sea) has completed his ring of life by returning to it. We will write a custom essay sample on Beowulf Cycles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Shield’s plunder and treasures have also traveled full circle, as they were returned to him in death: Far-fetched treasures Were piled upon him, precious gear†¦ The massed treasure Was loaded upon him: it would Travel far out into the ocean. (36-42) It was unknown if this was the Danish king’s request, but it is evident that the bold warrior Beowulf would want something similar to Shield’s final send-off. â€Å"If the battle takes me, send back my breast-webbing that†¦Hrethel gave me, to Lord Hygelac† (452-454) is what Beowulf tells the Danes before facing Grendel, one of the wretched spawn of Cain. By saying this it is clear that Beowulf would prefer his armor returned to its point of origin, similar to Shield and his possessions. Grendel’s Mother also wished for her son’s arm to return back from where it came when she broke into Heorot to retrieve it. This repeated representation of people and objects involved in cycles is another way Beowulf hosts the idea of continuous rings. Rings as a literal form are also present in Beowulf. As actual objects, they form a circle, which is in fact never-ending. Rings also create a continuous legacy for their wearers. Throughout Beowulf, kings are repetitively called â€Å"ring-givers† or â€Å"giver of rings† (353). This is because in medieval times kings would give their most valiant warriors treasure. When Hrothgar is notified of the arrival of Beowulf he declares, â€Å"This is my hope; and for his heroism I will recompense him with a rich treasure† (384-385). Treasure would sometimes include neck- or arm-rings as tokens of gratitude for the warrior’s noble deeds. In fact, Beowulf received â€Å"two arm bangles†¦and rings† (1903-1904) for smiting Grendel and freeing Hrothgar’s people from his reign of terror. When worn these rings would be seen by many and would have the wearer recognized for their heroic feats. In Beowulf, recognition and fame are two themes that go hand and hand. By becoming well known from one’s actions, fame would be achieved. And in fame, comes eternal glory and a continuous place in history; much like the continuous structure of a ring or loop. A halo of vengeance is embodied within countless characters in the poem. This omnipresence surrounds individuals and monsters alike and drives them to an endless ring of revenge. It first starts when Grendel attacks the Danes in Hrothgar’s mead-hall, Heorot. His reign of terror lasts for 12 years. He â€Å"grabbed thirty men from their resting places† (122-123), took them to his lair, and brought back their butchered bodies. None other than the hero, Beowulf, could continue this early cycle of payback. Once he arrived in Heorot, he decided to face the monster unarmed. Even so, the mighty Geat ripped the outcast’s limb off, causing the â€Å"sinews to split and the bone-lappings to burst† (816-817). Accordingly, Grendel’s mother did not take the death of her son lightly. She too wreaked havoc on the mead hall by killing one of Hrothgar’s favorite warriors. At this, Beowulf stroke back and killed her. This ceaseless cycle of vengeance is another expression of â€Å"rings† in Beowulf. Again and again, the idea of an eternal, continuous, â€Å"ring† is presented in Beowulf. Through life and death, people and objects seem to return to where they once came. In the course of a hero’s career, kings have the power of providing him with undying fame. And finally, a cycle in also found through vengeance and abiding feuds.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The eNotes Blog Who Is Malala (And What Is She DoingNow)

Who Is Malala (And What Is She DoingNow) photo via  Business Insider In her 2013 memoir, I Am Malala, Malala Yousafzai recounts the profound influence that education has had on her own life and the eventual formation of her life goal: for girls to receive education worldwide. When she was denied education in her home country, Pakistan, she spoke out. At just the age of 11, she began to write undercover for BBC Urdu, educating readers on her life as a girl in Pakistan under Taliban rule. Her immense bravery in doing so led to her becoming a target of The Taliban, and in 2012 she was shot in the face. Both gripping and inspirational, Malala’s voice is poignant and telling in I Am Malala, leaving a lasting impression on all who read it. Malala describes and reflects these harrowing events in I Am Malala. With every step forward taken to reach her goal, the danger of doing so increased. Despite the danger, Malala never faltered and provides insight as to why she continued pursuing her goals. Malala is exceptionally persistent,   and reading her story reminds us all that an individual truly can make a difference. In addition to persistence as an important theme in I Am Malala, women’s rights and how it can benefit a country are equally prevalent and powerful themes. These powerful themes create a newfound conversation: between self and civic duty. Now, more than ever, it is important to remind ourselves of what she has been doing and why. â€Å"Let us pick up our books and our pens,† I said. â€Å"They are our most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world.† What is she up to now? Currently, Malala is working with refugee camps to set up schools. She stated in an NPR interview that â€Å"these people do not become refugees by choice. It is the situation. [] We have to support them and then invest in these girls education because these girls know that if they want, if one day they go back home and they want to have a life, they want to achieve their dreams, then they must have an education.† While the tumultuous events in Syria are slowly fading in the background of media and even our minds, she has not forgotten the crisis state of the refugee crisis and has continued to work on improving refugee camps and setting up schools for girls. She has criticized Trump’s recent political decisions concerning refugees, claiming that she was â€Å"heartbroken that [] President Trump is closing the door on children, mothers and fathers fleeing violence and war.†    photo via  Malala Fund In 2013, Malala created her own foundation called Malala Fund. The fund’s objective is to champion every girl’s right to â€Å"12 years of free, safe, quality education.† She has been working with the foundation to provide education and set up more schools. Additional Projects Malala has also been working on a picture book for children titled Malala’s Magic Pencil. The title is based off a childhood TV show where a boy named Sanju owns a magic pencil. Malala always wanted one for herself but finds that even without a pencil, she can still make a positive change to the world. The book is targeted towards four to eight year olds with the aim to educate them on Malala’s history, her current mission, and the importance of education. She hopes that the audience â€Å"finds their magic pencil. [Her] magic pencil was [her] voice.† photo via  Bustle Malala Yousafzai is a highly influential woman, relentlessly pursuing her goal to provide education to young girls around the world. Whether reading her memoir, I Am Malala, or her children’s book, Malala’s Magic Pencil, her stories will resonate with readers, reminding them of the power of one’s voice and passion. Read the  I Am Malala summary and study guide  including themes, important quotes, and characters.